
Treatment Centers by City

  • Philiadelphia VAMC
  • Philiadelphia VAMC
    is located at 211 County House Road Sewell, NJ. 8080 and can be contacted by calling 877-823-5240. Philiadelphia VAMC offers treatment services for Illicit Drug Addiction, Prescription Drug Abuse and Alcoholism

    Treatment Services Offered: Mental Balance Treatment Services, Outpatient Alcohol Treatment
    Payment Options:

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  • Girls, aged 12-16, who consumed alcohol were four times more likely than their non-drinking counterparts to suffer depression.
  • Excessive alcohol use increases an individual�''s chances of engaging in risky sexual activity including unprotected sex, sex with multiple partners, or sex with a partner at risk for sexually transmitted diseases.
  • One of the biggest examples of the effects of alcohol abuse is malnutrition. If you notice a reduced appetite from continuous drinking, then this is where it starts. It also leads to your intestinal track not being able to absorb vital nutrients. After all, alcohol provides empty calories.
  • With continued consumption just sleep, alcohol's sleep-inducing effect may decrease, while its disruptive effects continue or increase. This sleep disruption could potentially lead to daytime fatigue and sleepiness.

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