
Treatment Centers by City

  • Jewish Family and Childrens
  • Jewish Family and Childrens
    is located at 1301 Springdale Road Cherry Hill, NJ. 8003 and can be contacted by calling 856-424-1333 x1220. Jewish Family and Childrens offers treatment services for Alcoholism, Illicit Drug Addiction and Prescription Drug Abuse

    Treatment Services Offered: Mental Balance Treatment Services, Outpatient Alcohol Treatment, Over 50
    Payment Options: Payment Assistance Through Medicaid, Medicare Assistance, Insurance - Private Pay, Self Pay, Sliding-Scale Fee

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  • While some people with alcohol dependence can cut back or stop drinking without help, most are only able to do so temporarily unless they get treatment.
  • Alcohol oxidizes when it gets into the human system; this process occurs at the rate of an ounce in two or three hours. For 100-proof whisky, which is up to fifty per cent alcohol, this would mean that 8 ounces of whisky would be gone from the body in less than 12 hours; most of the alcohol would be breathed away, but some of it would be lost through sweat or urine.
  • Individuals with more muscle are less affected by alcohol because the muscle contains water that absorbs the alcohol from the bloodstream.
  • The lethal limit of alcohol in the blood for most people is around 0.40%; this amount of alcohol is roughly the equivalent of 12 drinks (for women) or 16 drinks (for men). When an individual is also taking medications such as antihistamines, opioid pain-killers, or sedatives, the lethal limit for alcohol is lowered considerably.

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